Daniel GJ Lane

Daniel G. J. Lane BA (Adv), BS, DC, CCEP, DACNB, FABBIR, FABVR
Board Certified Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board
Fellow of the American Board of Brain Injury and Rehabilitation
Fellow of the American Board of Vestibular Rehabilitation
Clinic Information:
Mid Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation
Clinic Summary:
Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation (MABNR) was born out of a simple, but powerful ambition
– to serve those who have complex neurological conditions, or symptoms that have not been successfully addressed through other forms of intervention, and attempt to offer both hope, and results. By employing a paradigm of clinical therapeutic intervention specific to a patient’s unique and individual neurological, physical and overall findings, we then attempt to improve functionality through the precise application of specific therapies towards the betterment of a patient’s condition. The genesis of Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation began in a clinical setting. The company’s founders – Dr. Daniel G J Lane, and Dr. Brice S Jackson – had been serving as first-assistants and clinical coordinators while attending Grand Rounds for Professor Frederick Carrick – regarded as the father of functional neurology, and one of the greatest neurologists in the world. Very few doctors have been afforded this privilege, and the honor was not lost on them. Inspired by the first hand, life-changing results they were witnessing, they decided to bring this clinical model to the Washington DC area, to fill the void and frustration of so many patients that their colleagues and they themselves had witnessed.

First, we listen to you. If it appears we are unable to adequately address the patient’s condition, or are not the best option for them at the time, then we will be both honest and forthright and will do our best to refer to another healthcare professional/colleague who can more appropriately address their specific needs.
Second, we perform thorough diagnostic testing - including a physical and neurological examination, computerized balance testing/posturography, cutting-edge videos and tracings of your eyes (videonystagmography (VNG) and saccadometry), and a host of other diagnostics which may be more appropriate for a patient’s condition. This testing produces hundreds of data points, which we utilize to help us understand which parts of your brain are working well, and which parts might need some support to improve function. A report of findings and functionality, as well as how these findings may explain a patient’s presentation/condition is then rendered, and a probability of possible therapeutic benefits and success can be offered. In short, how likely is it – based on all the examination findings, testing and data accumulated – that we may be able to help address the patient’s concerns, symptoms and afflictions.
Finally, we use all the accumulated data to synthesize the best evidenced-based therapeutic options for the patient, specific to their unique condition and dysfunction. Therapies might include vestibular rehabilitative therapy (basically, moving the head in specific ways to improve the perception of movement), ocular-motor training (using the eyes in specific therapeutic ways), or the utilization of other senses and movements of the body (think of more traditional physical or occupational-type therapies). We often combine these different types of therapies to generate the greatest possible impact, with every activity being unique to the patient evaluation findings and targeted toward correcting specific dysfunction.