Natalie J. Engelbart
Dr. Engelbart specializes in helping patients with autoimmunity, fatigue, pain disorders, hormone balancing, and sleep disorders, by using a combination of conventional and specialized testing to find the answers. Then she can customize a treatment plan for your individual needs.
Clinic Information:
Your Top Life, PLLC
Phone Number: 972.816.1410
City: Boulder
State/Province: Colorado
Country: United States
Clinic Summary:
"My mission for Your Top LifeTM is to provide a holistic, scientific, and comprehensive approach to optimizing the health and performance of each patient I have the privilege of treating. My specialties are helping patients with autoimmunity, fatigue, pain disorders, and hormone balancing. We are based in Boulder, CO and also enjoy helping people all over the nation via phone, FaceTime and Skype appointments." Dr. Engelbart